venezia photography
Salt Lake City based photographer specializing in all things film.
20x24 RA-4 Reversal Portraits
A 20x24 inch photograph is like no other. It is taken with one of the largest format cameras that exist in the world. The experience is magical and will often leave the subject breathless upon witnessing the final results.
Starting my film photography journey in 2005 with a high school darkroom photo class, in years since I have experimented with many mediums and formats. In 2022, after relocating to Salt Lake City, I launched SLC Darkroom—a private darkroom in the heart of the city offering diverse workshops and private 1:1 printing sessions. In 2023, I rescued a 105-year-old 24x24 inch Process Camera from an old print shop in Idaho closing down. Immediately upon seeing the camera I could envision the future art I could create.
There are only a handful of cameras this size in the world. The most famous of which are the Polaroid 20x24 cameras. Produced in the late 70’s these cameras were originally made to demonstrate the quality of Polaroid film. Over the last 50+ years artists such as Elsa Dorfman, Andy Warhol, Chuck Close, and more used these cameras to create timeless pieces of art. It was even used to take the first official photographic Presidential portrait, of Jimmy Carter in 1979, taken by none other than Ansel Adams. Unfortunately with the demise of Polaroid as it was once known, film production for the unique camera stopped in 2008.
This brings us to the RA-4 Reversal process —First we shoot a 20x24 inch piece of color paper directly in the camera like one would with film. Then by using a mix of both black & white paper chemistry and color paper chemistry we end up with a full color positive image. The entire development process takes only minutes, and while not exactly like a 20x24 Polaroid it is the closest one can get today.
Check out the @slc.darkroom Instagram for current 20x24 happenings!
SLC Darkroom: Black And White film developing and Printing Workshops
Learn to develop your film and make your own black and white darkroom prints! Whether you're a beginner or experienced film photographer, this hands-on experience is perfect for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the art and science of photography. Under my guidance, you'll learn the film developing and darkroom basics while creating beautiful archival prints from your own negatives. Learn more and sign up below!
Workshops are 2-4 hours long and held in Salt Lake City, UT.
Intro To Black And White Printing Workshop: $125/person
Split Grade Printing Workshop: $125/person
For those who already know how to print, private sessions are available starting at $125. Please send me a message with what you are trying to accomplish in the darkroom. We can work out details/pricing then I will assist in immortalizing your vision on photographic paper. More details below.
Chemistry Basics: The basic chemical process behind black and white printing as well as darkroom safety.
Printing Techniques: The basic process of making a black and white print, including exposure control and operating the enlarger. As well as advanced techniques such as dodging/burning, and split-filter printing.
Archival process: Steps necessary for properly washing and creating a final archival print.
Requirements for the Intro to B&W Printing Workshop:
Previously shot and processed Black and white negatives in any of the following formats: 35mm, 6x4.5, 6x6, 6x7, & 6x9
8×10 Photo Paper is included in the workshop, if you want to print larger you will need to supply your own paper.
My darkroom can accommodate the following print sizes currently: 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, 11x14, & 16x20, 20×24
Coming soon!
Weather you just know the basics and want to make a few prints, or want to make some gallery worthy fine art masterpieces I can help guide you through the process.
My darkroom can support printing B&W enlargements from negatives in the following formats, 35mm, 35mm full frame with sprockets, 6x4.5, 6x6, 6x7, 6x9, & 4x5. With the ability to print as large as 16x20in. Prints are made in an archival process and fiber is the recommended paper.
I have two Beseler 23c’s for 35mm and medium formats, and a Beseler 45 for 4x5. I can support up to 6 people in the darkroom, with two printing at any one time. I have Saunders easels in 8x10, 11x14, & 16x20 size. As well as a variety of 8x10 speed easels.
Washing is done in an archival process. Prints can be picked up after dry, typically the next day.
Standard Ilford paper chemistry will be available and will be replenished as needed. Bring your own paper.
Private sessions start at $125. Send me a message to book and talk further!
Explore film projects and my digital portfolio in the links in the menu at the top or select a photo below to view a gallery.
All photos shot on film, except what is in the digital section.
West Virginia
Big Cottonwood Canyon
Bryce Canyon National Park
Southern California
New Jersey
Lake Pleasant
Joshua Tree
Great Salt Lake
New York City
VR6 A3
Walks With Friends
Salt River
Sky Harbor
Globe - Superior - Miami
Sonoita - Patagonia
Fall Colors
Two Guns - Twin Arrows
White Mountains
Phoenix Film Revival
Everything Else
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Euro Scene
Las Vegas
Little Cottonwood Canyon
Tucson Nights
Salt Lake City Views
United States Grand Prix
West Virginia
New Mexico
Bonneville Salt Flats
Forest Lakes
Monument Valley
Four Peaks Wilderness Area
Montana Mountain